Periodontal Treatment in Charleston, SC


Carolina Periodontics offers gentle periodontal care to keep your gums healthy and free of gum and periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, which develops from gum inflammation, is the number one cause of tooth loss among adults. In addition to the harm gum disease causes your oral health, research shows it is detrimental to your overall health, including heart disease. Learn more below, and request an appointment with Carolina Periodontics in one of our offices across Charleston, SC.

What is Periodontal Disease?

Plaque constantly forms on teeth. If not removed, plaque causes gum inflammation, and without periodontal care, this can progress to a severe infection known as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease destroys the attachment of the gum to the teeth and eventually destroys the bony support of teeth as well. 

Early Signs

The early stage of periodontal disease, known as gingivitis, usually begins slowly and painlessly. This makes regular dental checkups and cleaning a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy teeth and gums throughout your life. Early signs of gum disease include:

  • Bleeding gums after brushing

  • Blood on dental floss after flossing

  • Red, swollen, or tender gums

  • Bad taste in your mouth for no apparent reason

Risk Factors

Several factors place you at a higher risk of periodontal disease, such as:

  • Poor home oral hygiene habits

  • Neglecting regular dental checkups

  • Smoking or chewing tobacco

  • Genetics

  • Certain diseases such as diabetes, leukemia, and cancer

  • Poor nutrition

  • Medications that cause dry mouth

  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause

  • Clenching or grinding your teeth

  • Stress

The Four Stages of Periodontal Disease

Let’s take a look at the four stages of periodontal disease:


STAGE ONE: Gingivitis

Plaque buildup around a tooth causes gum inflammation or gingivitis, which is reversible. This stage is painless and most commonly noticed with bleeding after brushing and flossing. There is no bone loss with gingivitis. Proper oral hygiene prevents and treats this inflammation of the gums.

STAE TWO: Slight Gum/Periodontal Disease

This second stage is not reversible but responds to conservative treatment. Increased redness and swelling occur along with bone loss. Oral hygiene alone cannot resolve this stage. Periodontal care includes deep periodontal cleaning with your dentist.

STAGE THREE: Moderate Gum/Periodontal Disease

The attachment of the gum to the tooth and bone breaks down during this irreversible stage. Teeth begin to shift with the loss of more bone. The treatment here is also deep periodontal cleaning with your dentist. However, the risk increases for the bacteria to affect your overall health and contribute to medical conditions such as heart disease.

STAGE FOUR: Advanced Periodontal Disease

The final and most severe stage results in:

  • More bone loss

  • Red, swollen gums with draining pus

  • Painful sensitivity to cold

  • Loose teeth

  • Pain when chewing food

  • Persistent bad breath

The treatment for advanced periodontal disease includes periodontal surgery or periodontal laser therapy.

Possible Consequences

The appropriate periodontal care can prevent serious gum disease from developing. The consequences of not treating periodontal disease are unpleasant and include:

  • Gum recession affecting your smile

  • Loose teeth

  • Gaps between your teeth

  • Severe chronic halitosis

  • Tooth loss

  • Chronic oral discomfort

  • Negative impact on overall health

Periodontal Maintenance Therapy

Periodontal care and maintenance help to prevent the return of periodontal disease. This includes frequently scheduled cleanings to prevent any plaque accumulation. These more frequent visits allow your dentist to closely monitor your gum health and provide treatment as needed.

Benefits of Periodontal Care

The benefits of regular periodontal care go beyond those of maintaining healthy teeth and gums, the ability to chew food adequately, and a brighter smile. Medical research indicates that preventing gum disease may also help to prevent diseases such as:

  • Heart disease

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Stroke

  • Diabetes

  • Alzheimer’s disease

Request an Appointment

Contact Trident General Dentistry today to learn more about the steps you can take to prevent gum disease.